



404API Path Not Found!api不存在
500The request processing has failed due to some unknown error, exception or failure.服務內部錯誤
1100Request operation returns incorrect result.請求返回錯誤,一般是傳遞了錯誤引數導致操作失敗,或者某些資源處在某種狀態下不允許操作等
2100Authentication failed.身份驗證失敗,一般是簽名不匹配。
2200You are not authorized to access.對於提交的操作沒有許可權。
2300User balance is insufficient.當用戶餘額不足時,會返回該錯誤,一般是購買、續費資源時提醒。
2400Exceeding quota.建立的資源超過配額,或者短時間內的API訪問請求超過配額限制,會返回該錯誤。您可以透過提交工單的方式來向我們申請提高配額,並說明你申請的理由。
3200The accessed resource does not exist or has been deleted.試圖訪問不存在的資源時,會返回該錯誤。
4040The Resource not exist.資源裝置不存在,如獲取雲主機監控,雲主機不存在返回:The instance not exist
4041No available machine regions資源不匹配
5000The request processing has failed due to some unknown error, exception or failure.服務內部錯誤
5100Server execution timeout.伺服器執行超時,或者伺服器負載過高無法完成請求時,會返回該錯誤資訊。遇到這種錯誤,請稍後再嘗試,或者及時與我們聯絡。
5200Insufficient computing resources to meet creation needs.當我們計算資源不足以滿足建立需求時,會返回該錯誤資訊。遇到這種錯誤,請及時與我們聯絡。
6000Get monitor url error獲取監控地址錯誤
6001The time format is invalid、End time must be greater than or equal to start time、Must be within 30 days、Start time is less than device creation time and must not be greater than end time請求的監控時間不符合要求
7000Request was denied due to request throttling.因請求限制而被拒絕
8001Get UserId By Ak failure!、Get UserInfo failure、Cannot be used without real-name verified、The parameters used generate a signature check errorapi不存在、簽名錯誤
9000The mandatory parameter XXX is missing.請求的XXX引數不能為空
9001The request contains Invalid parameter.請求引數錯誤
9002There are not enough instance quotas、There are not enough Ip quotas、There are not enough volume quotas、There are not enough quotas to mount disk資源配額不足
9003Get QuotaItems Error獲取資源配額失敗


InsufficientDepositFailed to create on-demand resource, due to insufficient deposit in your account.賬戶餘額不足
ActionDenied.RefundingThe resource is under refunding process, such action is not permitted.您的{0}正在退款稽核中,無法執行{1}操作
NotFound.ActionAction does not exit.不存在此操作
MissingParam.DateThe mandatory parameter Date is missing.時間引數不能為空
InvalidParam.DateFormatInvalid date format, ought to be UTC format. eg: 2015-01-22T12:11:11 +0800時間引數格式錯誤,UTC時間格式:yyyy-MM-dd'T'HH:mm:ss Z,例如 :2015-01-22T12:11:11 +0800
InvalidParam.DateExpiredThe specified Date value has expired.客戶端所傳時間已經超時
MissingParam.UserAKThe mandatory parameter UserAK is missing.引數 UserAK 不能為空
MissingParam.SignatureThe mandatory parameter Signature is missing.引數 Signature 不能為空
MissingParam.UserIdThe mandatory parameter UserId is missing.引數 UserId 不能為空
AccessDeniedYou are not authorized to access.您沒有訪問許可權
InternalErrorThe request processing has failed due to some unknown error, exception or failure.伺服器內部錯誤
RequestErrorThe request contains Invalid parameter.請求引數錯誤
NotFound.InstanceProductThe specified product of instance does not exist.雲主機對應的產品型號不存在
NotFound.VolumeProductThe specified product of volume does not exist.雲硬碟對應的產品型號不存在
NotFound.IpProductThe specified product of IP does not exist.IP相關的產品型號不存在
NotFound.RouterProductThe specified product of router does not exist.路由器相關產品型號不存在
NotFound.CLBProductThe specified product of load balancer does not exist.負載均衡器相關產品型號不存在
NotFound.ProductThe specified product does not exist.產品型號不存在
MissingParam.PasswordThe mandatory parameter Password is missing.密碼不能為空
MissingParam.EnableThe mandatory parameter Enable is missing.是否啟用不能為空
MissingParam.PortThe mandatory parameter Port is missing.埠不能為空
MissingParam.NameThe mandatory parameter Name is missing.名稱不能為空
MissingParam.RequestIdThe mandatory parameter RequestId is missing.請求ID不能為空
MissingParam.RequestStatusThe mandatory parameter RequestStatus is missing.請求狀態不能為空
MissingParam.RegionThe mandatory parameter Region is missing.機房標識不能為空
MissingParam.PayTypeThe mandatory parameter PayType is missing.支付型別不能為空
MissingParam.PeriodThe mandatory parameter Period is missing.包年包月下時間不能為空
MissingParam.CidrThe mandatory parameter Cidr is missing.CIDR不能為空
MissingParam.ProductModelIdThe mandatory parameter ProductModelId is missing.產品型號標識不能為空
ProbationPeriodLimitErrorThe period must be less than {0} days under probation.試用情況下,時間必須小於{0}天
NotFound.RegionThe specified region does not exist.機房不存在
NotFound.PayTypeThe specified PayType does not exist.支付型別不存在
DeleteDenied.PayTypeThe resource can not be deleted while the PayType is PREPAID or PROBATION.包年包月和試用下資源不能被刪除
PricingErrorAn error has occurred under pricing process.計費發生錯誤
DateFormatErrorThe format of date is incorrect.時間格式錯誤
CloseTimeMustAfterDueThe close time must be later than or same as the due time.關閉時間必須要晚於或等於到期時間
DueTimeMustAfterCurrentThe due time must be later than the current time.過期時間必須大於當前時間
PayTypeNotSupportedThe specified paytype is not supported.支付型別不支援
RenewDenied.UserLevelThe Normal user can not renew specified resource.普通使用者不能續費該資源
SupportOnlyProbationOnly the probation resources are supported.僅支援支付型別是試用的資源
RenewDenied.ResourceThe specified resource can not be renewed.資源不支援續費
EndTimeMustAfterStartThe end time must be later than the start time.結束時間必須要大於開始時間
DescribeLengthLimitThe length of Describe must be less than {0}.描述不能超過{0}個字元
NameLengthLimitThe length of Name must between {0}-{1}.名稱長度只能在{0}-{1}之間
UuidLengthLimitThe length of Uuid must be less than {0}.底層uuid不能超過{0}個字元
PasswordLengthLimitThe length of Password must between {0}-{1}.密碼長度只能在{0}-{1}之間.
KeyLengthLimitThe length of Key must between {0}-{1}.key長度只能在{0}-{1}之間
ValueLengthLimitThe length of Value must between {0}-{1}.value長度只能在{0}-{1}之間
OpetionValueLimitThe param {0} must in {1}.引數{0}必須在{1}中
MissimgDelayUnitThe unit of delay can not be missing.延期單位不能為空
CountMinLimitThe minimum value of Count is {0}.Count最小為{0}.
CountMaxLimitThe maximum value of Count is {0}.Count最大為{0}.
PortMinLimitThe minimum value of Port is {0}.埠必須大於等於{0}.
PortMaxLimitThe maximum value of Port is {0}.埠必須小於等於{0}.
PeriodMinLimitThe minimum value of Period is {0}.Period最小為{0}.
PeriodMaxLimitThe maximum value of Period is {0}.Period最大為{0}.
UserIdLengthLimitThe length of UserId must between {0}-{1}.使用者標識長度只能在{0}-{1}之間
UserIdFormatErrorThe format of UserId is incorrect.UserId需包含大寫,小寫字母和數字
PassFormatErrorThe format of Password is incorrect.密碼需包含大寫,小寫字母和數字
MissingParam.PasswordThe mandatory parameter Password is missing.密碼不能為空
InvalidParam.KeyChineseThe key can not include Chinese.key不能包含中文
InvalidParam.ValueChineseThe value can not include Chinese.value不能包含中文
MissingParam.MirrorEndpointThe mandatory parameter Endpoint is missing.服務地址不能為空
NotFound.VolumeThe specified volume does not exist.雲硬碟不存在
IncorrectVolumeStatusThe current status of the resource does not support this operation.當前雲硬碟狀態不支援此操作
Volume.ArrearOvertimeThe volume is overtime or in arrears.雲硬碟已超時或欠費
ExceedQuota.VolumeAttachedThe amount of volumes attached to instance has exceeded {0}.雲主機掛載的雲硬碟數量不能超過{0}.
VolumeAttachErrorAn error has occurred when attaching the volume.掛載雲硬碟發生錯誤
VolumeDetachErrorAn error has occurred when detaching the volume.解掛雲硬碟發生錯誤
VolumeCreateErrorAn error has occurred when creating the volume.建立雲硬碟發生錯誤
IncorrectVolumeStatus.TaskThe specified volume is currently under another task, wait until it finishes.雲硬碟正在進行某個任務,不能執行其他操作
VolumeBackupDelErrorAn error has occurred when deleting volume backup.刪除備份發生錯誤
VolumeBackupErrorAn error has occurred when backing up the volume.雲硬碟備份發生錯誤
VolumeCheckOffineErrorAn error has occurred when checking volume offline.檢查雲硬碟是否線上發生錯誤
VolumeClearErrorAn error has occurred when clearing the volume.徹底刪除雲硬碟發生錯誤
VolumeCreate.OnlyNormalTypeYou can only create volumes of normal type.只能建立普通型別的雲硬碟
VolumeCreate.OnlyOneSourceVolumes can only be created from either images, volumes or snapshots.雲硬碟只能從雲硬碟、快照、映象中的一個建立
VolumeCreate.SizeTooSmallThe size of volume is too small.雲硬碟的size太小
MissingParam.VolumeSizeThe mandatory parameter Size of volume is missing.如果是建立資料盤,size不能為空
DeleteDenied.VolHasSnapShotThe specified volume has snapshots, deleting is not permitted.雲硬碟存在快照,無法刪除
VolumeExistSnapShotThe specified volume has snapshots.雲硬碟已經存在快照
VolumeNotAttachedThe specified volume is not detached to instance.雲硬碟沒有掛載到雲主機上
VolumeMigrateErrorAn error has occurred when migrating the volume.遷移雲硬碟發生錯誤
VolumeModifyErrorAn error has occurred when modifying the volume.修改雲硬碟發生錯誤
VolumeResizeErrorAn error has occurred when resizing the volume.擴容雲硬碟發生錯誤
InvalidParam.VolumeResizeSizeThe Parameter Size of volume must be bigger than the current one.雲硬碟新的size必須大於之前的size
VolumeCreateFromImageErrorAn error has occurred when creating volume from image.從映象建立雲硬碟發生錯誤
VolumeCreateFromImageTimeOutTimeout for creating volume from image.映象建立雲硬碟超時
ImageCreate.VolumeMigrateTimeOutTimeout for migrating the volume when creating image.建立映象時遷移雲硬碟超時
MissingParam.VolumeIdThe mandatory parameter Id of volume is missing.硬碟標識不能為空
VolumeSizeMinLimitThe minimum size of volume is {0}.容量大小必須大於等於{0}
VolumeSizeMaxLimitThe maximum size of volume is {0}.容量大小必須小於等於{0}
MissingParam.ResizeSizeThe mandatory parameter Size for volume resizing is missing.擴容大小不能為空
MissingParam.VolumeTypeThe mandatory parameter Type of volume is missing.後端卷型別不能為空
NotFound.VolumeSnapshotThe specified volume snapshot does not exist.雲硬碟快照不存在
SnapshotApplyErrorAn error has occurred when applying the snapshot.快照回滾發生錯誤
SnapshotDelErrorAn error has occurred when deleting the snapshot.刪除快照發生錯誤
SnapshotCopyErrorAn error has occurred when copying the snapshot.複製快照發生錯誤
SnapshotCreateErrorAn error has occurred when creating the snapshot.建立快照發生錯誤
SnapshotOtherCreatingErrorThe specified volume is creating a snapshot , please try again later.當前雲硬碟正在建立快照,請稍後
ExceedQuota.VolumeSnapshotThe amount of snapshots of volume has exceeded limit.雲硬碟快照數量超出配額.
IncorrectSnapshotStatusThe current status of the resource does not support this operation.快照當前狀態不支援此操作
IncorrectSnapshotStatus.TaskThe specified snapshot is currently under another task, wait until it finishes.快照正在進行某個任務,不能執行其他操作
SnapshotLockedThe specified snapshot is locked.快照被鎖定
ExceedQuota.SnapshotLockedThe amount of locked snapshots has exceeded limit.快照鎖定數量超過上限
SnapshotFileCannotUnlockFilelock snapshot can not be unlocked.歸檔型別快照無法解鎖
SnapshotModifyErrorAn error has occurred when modifying the snapshot.修改快照發生錯誤
SnapshotCreateFromImageErrorAn error has occurred when creating the volume.映象建立快照發生錯誤
SnapshotCreateFromImageTimeOutTimeout for creating snapshot from image.映象建立快照超時
MissingParam.SnapshotIdThe mandatory parameter Id of snapshot is missing.快照標識不能為空
MissingParam.SnapshotCreateTypeThe mandatory parameter CreateType of snapshot is missing.快照建立型別不能為空
MissingParam.SnapshotTypeThe mandatory parameter Type of snapshot is missing.鎖定型別不能為空
NotFound.OSThe specified OS does not exist.作業系統不存在
DeleteDenied.OSHasImagsThe specified OS has related image, deleting is not permitted.作業系統含有映象,不能刪除
MissingParam.OSIdThe mandatory parameter Id of OS is missing.作業系統標識不能為空
MissingParam.OSPlatformThe mandatory parameter Plattorm of OS is missing.作業系統平臺不能為空
MissingParam.OSDistributionThe mandatory parameter Distribution of OS is missing.作業系統發行版不能為空
MissingParam.OSVersionThe mandatory parameter Version of OS is missing.作業系統版本不能為空
MissingParam.OSBitThe mandatory parameter Bit of OS is missing.作業系統位數不能為空
NotFound.HostThe specified host does not exist.計算節點不存在
MissingParam.HostNameThe mandatory parameter Name of Host is missing.計算節點名稱不能為空
MissingParam.HostIpThe mandatory parameter IP of Host is missing.計算節點IP不能為空
HostAggregateNameExistAggregate name already exists.host聚合名稱已存在
HostAggregateCreateErrorAn error has occurred when creating the host aggregate.建立host聚合發生錯誤
AggregateNoHostThe specified aggregate has no host.聚合中沒有host.
NotFound.AggregateThe specified aggregate {0} does not exist.主機聚合{0}不存在
HostAggregateHaveDetailsThe aggregate {0} has hosts.主機聚合{0}下存在計算節點.
HostAggregateDelErrorAn error has occurred when deleting the host aggregate.刪除主機聚合時發生錯誤
NotFound.HostMetadataThe specified metadata does not exist.指定的USD資料不存在
HostMetadataNameExistMetadata name already exists.USD資料名稱已存在
HostMetadataInUseThe specified metadata is already in use.USD資料已在使用中
HostHaGetRecordsErrorAn error has occurred when getting host ha records.查詢計算節點恢復故障記錄時發生錯誤
NotFound.ProductCharacterThe specified ProductCharacter of instanceserice {0} does not exist.主機系列:{0}中某個主機特性不存在
VmHaGetRecordsErrorAn error has occurred when getting VM ha records.查詢虛擬機器恢復故障記錄時發生錯誤
HostDisabledThe host has been disabled.計算節點已經被禁用
HostEnabledthe host has been enabled.計算節點已經被啟用
HostDisableErrorAn error has occurred when disabling the host.禁用計算節點發生錯誤
HostEnableErrorAn error has occurred when enabling the host.啟用計算節點發生錯誤
NotFount.HostHaThe specified host Ha does not exist.計算節點的故障恢復不存在
HostHaNotSupportedThe specified host does not support Ha.計算節點不支援故障恢復
HaHostDisableErrorAn error has occurred when disabling the Host Ha.禁用計算節點故障恢復發生錯誤
HaVmDisableErrorAn error has occurred when disabling the VM Ha.禁用虛擬機器故障恢復發生錯誤
HaHostEnableErrorAn error has occurred when enabling the Host Ha.啟用計算節點故障恢復發生錯誤
HaVmEnableErrorAn error has occurred when enabling the VM Ha.啟用虛擬機器故障恢復發生錯誤
HostOutOfResourceThe specified host is out of resources.資源售罄,請聯絡星界雲客服或您的銷售專員,進行諮詢!
HostAggregateInUseThe specified host aggregate is already in use.計算節點聚合已被使用
HostAggregateRemoveErrorAn error has occurred when removing host aggregate.刪除計算節點聚合發生錯誤
HostAggregateAddHostErrorAn error has occurred when adding host aggregate.增加計算節點聚合發生錯誤
HostAggregateModifyErrorAn error has occurred when modifying host aggregate.修改計算節點聚合發生錯誤
MissingParam.IntervalTimeThe mandatory parameter IntervalTime is missing.引數IntervalTime不能為空
MissingParam.CheckCountThe mandatory parameter CheckCount is missing.引數CheckCount不能為空
HaModifyHostErrorAn error has occurred when modifying host Ha attributes.修改計算節點恢復故障引數發生錯誤
HaModifyVmErrorAn error has occurred when modifying VM Ha attributes.修改虛擬機器恢復故障引數發生錯誤
HostSyncErrorAn error has occurred when syncing the host.同步計算節點發生錯誤
MissingParam.HostAggregateNameThe mandatory parameter Name of aggregate is missing.主機聚合名稱不能為空
MissingParam.HostMetadataNameThe mandatory parameter Name of metadata is missing.主機USD資料名稱不能為空
MissingParam.HostMetadataKeyThe mandatory parameter Key of metadata is missing.主機特性key不能為空
MissingParam.HostMetadataValueThe mandatory parameter Value of metadata is missing.主機特性value不能為空
MissingParam.HostMetadataIdThe mandatory parameter Id of metadata is missing.主機特性標識不能為空
MissingParam.HostAzThe mandatory parameter Az of host is missing.計算節點可用zone不能為空
MissingParam.HostAggregateIdThe mandatory parameter Id of host aggregate is missing.主機聚合標識不能為空
MissingParam.IntervalTimeThe mandatory parameter IntervalTime is missing.引數IntervalTime不能為空
IntervalTimeMinThe minimum value of IntervalTime is {0}.檢測間隔最小值是{0}
MissingParam.CheckCountThe mandatory parameter CheckCount is missing.引數CheckCount不能為空
CheckCountMinThe minimum value of CheckCount is {0}.檢查次數最小值是{0}.
MissingParam.IsoNameThe mandatory parameter Name of ISO is missing.ISO名稱不能為空
MissingParam.IsoDescriptionThe mandatory parameter Description of ISO is missing.ISO描述不能為空
NotFound.IsoThe specified ISO does not exist.IOS不存在
IsoMustEnableThe iso must be enabled.ISO必須是啟用狀態
IsoAttachedThe specified iso is attached to instance.ISO已經掛載到雲主機
IsoAttachErrorAn error has occurred when attaching the iso.掛載ISO發生錯誤
IsoDetachErrorAn error has occurred when detaching the iso.解除安裝ISO發生錯誤
IncorrectIsoStatusThe current status of the resource does not support this operation.當前ISO狀態不支援此操作
IsoDelErrorAn error has occurred when deleting the iso.刪除ISO發生錯誤
IsoModifyErrorAn error has occurred when modifying iso.修改ISO發生錯誤
IsoSyncErrorAn error has occurred when syncing the iso.同步ISO發生錯誤
NotFound.ImageThe specified image does not exist.映象不存在
NotFound.ImageThe specified image of base-level does not exist.底層映象不存在
TemplateEnableOnlyOneOnly one of the templates can be enabled.啟用的模板只能有一個
NotFound.TemplateThe specified template does not exist.模板不存在
IncorrectImageStatusThe current status of the resource does not support this operation.映象當前狀態不支援此操作
TemplateNotSupportHotupgradeThe specified template does not support HotUpgrade.該映象不支援熱升級.
IncorrectTemplateStatus.TaskThe specified template is currently under another task, wait until it finishes.模板正在進行某個任務,不能執行其他操作
DeleteDenied.ImageHasTemplatesThe specified image has related templates, deleting is not permitted.映象含有模板,無法刪除
DeleteDenied.ImageHasInstancesThe specified image has related instances, deleting is not permitted.映象含有云主機,無法刪除
ImageDelErrorAn error has occurred when deleting the image.刪除映象發生錯誤
DeleteDenied.TemplateHasInstancesThe specified template has related instances, deleting is not permitted.模板含有云主機,無法刪除
TemplateDelErrorAn error has occurred when deleting the template.模板刪除發生錯誤
IncorrectTemplateStatusThe current status of template must be normal to support this operation.模板當前狀態不支援此操作
TemplateMustBeDisabledThe specified template must be disabled to support modification.模板是禁用狀態才能修改
MissingParam.TemplateIdThe mandatory parameter Id of Template is missing.模板標識不能為空
MissingParam.TemplateEnableThe mandatory parameter Enable of Template is missing.啟用標識不能為空
MissingParam.ImageUseThe mandatory parameter Use of Image is missing.用途不能為空
MissingParam.ImageIdThe mandatory parameter Id of Image is missing.映象標識不能為空
MissingParam.ImageUuidThe mandatory parameter Uuid of Image is missing.底層映象uuid不能為空
NotFound.KeyPairThe specified key does not exist.金鑰不存在
KeyPairAttachNotInWindowsKeyPair can not be attached to Windows OS.Windows作業系統不能掛載金鑰
KeyPairAttachErrorAn error has occurred when attaching the key to the instance.雲主機掛載金鑰發生錯誤
KeyPairDetachErrorAn error has occurred when detaching the key of the instance.解掛雲主機金鑰發生錯誤
DeleteDenied.KeyPairHasInstanceThe specified key is attached to instance, deleting is not permitted.金鑰已經掛載到雲主機,無法刪除
MissingParam.KeyPairIdThe mandatory parameter Id of KeyPair is missing.秘鑰標識不能為空
MissingParam.KeyPairNameThe mandatory parameter Name of KeyPair is missing.秘鑰名稱不能為空
MissingParam.KeyPairEncryptionThe mandatory parameter encryption of KeyPair is missing.秘鑰型別不能為空
NotFound.InstanceThe specified instance does not exist.雲主機不存在
IncorrectInstanceStatus.TaskThe specified instance is currently under another task, wait until it finishes.雲主機正在進行某個任務,無法再執行其他操作
IncorrectInstanceStatus.NotStartThe status of specified instance must be start.雲主機必須是開機狀態
IncorrectInstanceStatus.NotStopThe status of specified instance must be stop.雲主機狀態必須是關機
IncorrectInstanceStatus.NotStartThe status of specified instance must be start.雲主機必須是開機狀態
IncorrectInstanceStatus.NotErrorThe status of specified instance must be error.雲主機狀態必須是error
InstanceLockedThe instance is locked by admin.雲主機已被禁用,請聯絡管理員
IncorrectInstanceStatus.NotStartOrStopThe status of specified instance must be stop or start.雲主機狀態必須是開機或者關機
InstanceCretingImageThe specified instance is creating image.雲主機正在建立映象
ImageCreate.NotFromInstanceThe specified instance can not create custom images.當前雲主機無法建立自定義映象
InstanceStopErrorAn error has occurred when stopping instance.關機發生錯誤
InstanceChangeFirewallErrorAn error has occurred when changing the firewall of instance.修改雲主機防火牆發生錯誤
IncorrentInstanceProductStatus.NotAdminThe specified Instance product status is not normal and the user is not admin.雲主機產品狀態不正常且不是管理員。
InstanceModifyPassErrorAn error has occurred when changing the password for instance.修改雲主機密碼發生錯誤
InstanceModifyErrorAn error has occurred when modifying instance.修改雲主機發生錯誤
InstanceQgaErrorAn error has occurred when checking the instance's qga.獲取雲主機QGA發生錯誤
NotFound.InstanceProductPropertyThe specified Product Property of instance does not exist.雲主機對應產品屬性不存在
InstanceConfigNotUpgradeThe configuration of specified instance is not upgraded.配置未升級.
InstanceCreate.UpgradeUnsupportedThe specified instance is created before HotUpgrade is supported.該雲主機開通時間早於熱升級支援時間.
InstanceUpgrade.ProbationThe specified instance PayType is probation, which does not support HotUpgrade.試用型別的雲主機不支援熱升級.
InstanceUpgrade.NotStartThe specified instance status must be start to support HotUpgrade.熱升級雲主機必須處於執行狀態.
InstanceUpgrade.NotSuperPCInstances of supercomputers do not support HotUpgrade.計算增強型雲主機不支援熱升級
InstanceCpuUpgradeErrorAn error has occurred when HotUpgrading CPU.cpu熱升級發生錯誤.
InstanceMemoryUpgradeErrorAn error has occurred when HotUpgrading memory.記憶體熱升級發生錯誤.
NotFound.InstanceSeriesThe specified Instance Series does not exist.主機系列不存在.
IncorrentInstanceProductStatusThe status of specified instance is overtime or in arrears.雲主機狀態為超時或欠費
NotFound.InstanceVolumeThe specified volume of instance does not exist.雲主機對應的雲硬碟不存在
NotFound.InstanceOldVolumeThe old volume of instance does not exist.雲主機對應老的盤不存在
InstanceVncGetErrorAn error has occurred when describing the vnc of instance.查詢雲主機VNC發生錯誤
MissingParam.InstanceIdThe mandatory parameter Id of instance is missing.雲主機標識不能為空
ISONotAttachedThe specified ISO was not attached to instance.ISO還沒掛載到雲主機
NotFound.InstanceProductOrSeriesThe product model of instance or instance series does not exist.產品型號不存在或該產品型號下的主機系列與雲主機對應的主機系列不存在
InstanceMigrate.SameHostInstance can not be migrated to the same host.不能把雲主機遷移到同一個節點
InstanceMigrateErrorAn error has occurred when migrating instance.遷移雲主機發生錯誤
InstancePauseErrorAn error has occurred when pausing instance.暫停雲主機發生錯誤
InstanceRebootErrorAn error has occurred when rebooting instance.重啟雲主機發生錯誤
InstanceOverTimeOrArrearageThe instance is overtime or in arrears.雲主機已超時或欠費
InstancePasswordEncyptErrorAn error has occurred when encrypting instance password.加密雲主機密碼發生錯誤
InstanceResizeErrorAn error has occurred when resizing instance.修改雲主機配置發生錯誤
InstanceConfigDriverErrorAn error has occurred when setting up config driver in instance.設定config-driver發生錯誤
InstanceStartErrorAn error has occurred when starting instance.開機發生錯誤
IncorrectInstanceStatus.NotPauseThe specified Instance status is not Pause.雲主機狀態必須是暫停
InstanceRecoverPauseErrorAn error has occurred when recovering paused instance.恢復暫停雲主機發生錯誤
InstanceResetErrorAn error has occurred when resetting instance.重置雲主機發生錯誤
ListBaselevelErrorAn error has occurred when listing base level instance.查詢底層雲主機發生錯誤
InstanceDelErrorAn error has occurred when deleting instance.刪除雲主機發生錯誤
NotFound.InstanceImageThe image of specified instance does not exist.雲主機對應的映象不存在
ExceedQuota.OndemandInstanceThe amount of ondemand instances has exceeded limit按量付費雲主機只能開通{0}臺
InstanceCreate.OnlyOneSourceThe volume can only be created from either image or volume.建立雲主機只需要映象或者源盤中的一個
InstanceCreate.FromImageNeedSysInfoCreating instance from image requires the infomation of system's volume.從映象建立雲主機必須要系統盤資訊
InstanceCreate.NeedNetworkNetwork is required for creating Instances.建立雲主機必須要私網
Ondemand.NotSuperPCSuper computer does not support Ondemand PayType.計算增強型不支援按量
InstanceBatchCreate.NotVolumeInstance can not be Batch created from volumes.批次建立雲主機不支援從源盤建立
InstanceCreate.MustImageInstances must be created from images.雲主機必須是從映象建立的
InstanceCreate.OneNetworkOnly one Network is needed when creating an Instance.建立雲主機只需要一個私網
InstanceCreateErrorAn error has occurred when creating instance.建立雲主機發生錯誤
InstanceSetPortErrorAn error has occurred when setting up broadband or firewall for instance.設定頻寬或者防火牆發生錯誤
InstanceFloatIpExistFloat-IP exists in specified instance.浮動IP已經存在在雲主機
InstanceInterfaceExistInterface exists in specified instance.雲主機已經存在網絡卡
MissingParam.InstanceTypeThe mandatory parameter Type of instance is missing.配置不能為空
MissingParam.InstanceSeriesThe mandatory parameter Series of Instance is missing.主機系列不能為空
MissingParam.InstanceNumThe mandatory parameter Num of instance is missing.雲主機數量不能為空
NotFound.InstanceSnapshotThe specified instance snapshot does not exist.雲主機快照不存在
InstanceSnapshotOtherCreatingErrorThe specified volume is creating a snapshot , please try again later.雲硬碟正在建立快照,請稍後
ExceedQuota.InstanceSnapshotThe amount of InstanceSnapshots has exceeded limit.雲主機快照建立數量超出配額
IncorrentInstanceStatus.NotSnapshotThe current status of specified Instance restricts Snapshot.雲主機當前狀態限制雲主機快照的使用
MissingParam.InstanceSnapshotIdThe mandatory parameter Id of instancesnapshot is missing.雲主機快照標識不能為空
NotFound.FlavorThe specified Flavor does not exist.雲主機配置不存在
FlavorExistFlavor already exist.相同的雲主機配置已經存在
FlavorCreateErrorAn error has occurred when creating flavor.建立雲主機配置發生錯誤
FlavorDelErrorAn error has occurred when deleting flavor.刪除雲主機配置發生錯誤
DeleteDenied.FlavorHasInstanceThe specified Flavor has related instance, deleting is not permitted.雲主機配置有相關的雲主機,無法刪除
MissingParam.FlavorIdThe mandatory parameter Id of Flavor is missing.雲主機型別標識不能為空
EipBandwidthLimitErrorThe bandwidth of {0} Eip must between {1} and {2}.當前機房{0}頻寬僅限{1}M-{2}M
IncorrentEipProductStatusThe product-status of Eip must be normal.ip必須是沒有欠費或者過期
IpNotLegalThe ip{0} is not legal.ip{0}格式不合法。
IpNotInCidrThe ip{0} is not in subnet's cidr.ip{0}不在私有網路{1}對應子網的cidr範圍內。
ExceedQuota.EipThe amount of Eip of specified instance has exceeded {0}.雲主機只能繫結{0}個公網IP
EipNotEnoughResourceInsufficient Eip resources.公網IP資源不足.
InstanceEip.OneTypeInstance can only associate with one type of eip.同一個雲主機只能繫結一種型別的IP
EipBatchNoCouponBatch operation of Eip does not support coupon policy.批次操作不支援優惠券
NotFound.EipThe specified Eip {0} does not exist.Eip{0}不存在
IncorrectEipStatus.NotAvailableThe current status of Eip {0} does not allow such operation.當前狀態的ip{0}不能被使用
EipNotAllocatedThe Eip {0} is not allocated.ip{0}沒有被購買
EipNetworkNotMatchThe Eip {0} does not match the subnet.ip{0}不匹配對應的子網
EipAssociateOnlyOneOnly one Eip can be assigned.只能繫結一個IP
InstanceEipLimitThe amount of Eips attached to instance is limited to {0}.雲主機只能繫結{0}個公網IP
EipAttachErrorAn error has occurred when attaching ip.掛載ip發生錯誤
EipBandZeroThe bandwidth of Eip can not be zero.頻寬不能為0
EipBandUnchangedThe bandwidth must be different from the old one.頻寬值未做更改
FloatIpDetachErrorAn error has occurred when detaching Floatip.解綁浮動IP出錯
InvalidParam.IpFormatThe ip must be ipv4 format.ip格式必須是ipv4.
EndIpBiggerThanStartIpEnd-ip must be bigger than Start-ip.結束IP必須大於開始IP
StartIpEndIpNoInCidrStart-ip and end-ip are not in the same Cidr.開始IP和結束IP不在同一個Cidr之內
IpAllocateErrorAn error has occurred when allocating ip.購買分配IP發生錯誤
GetMacIpErrorAn error has occurred when retrieving mac Ip.獲取mac地址出錯
CidrFormatErrorThe Cidr format  is incorrect.CIDR必須符合規範
IpFormatErrorThe ip format  is incorrect.IP格式錯誤
EipAllocatedThe ip {0} is allocated.ip{0}已經被購買
FloatIpExistInVmOne of the VMs on network {0} has floating ip.私有網路{0}下的vm綁定了浮動ip,請先解綁。
FloatIpExistInIronicOne of the Ironics on network {0} has floating ip.私有網路{0}下的物理雲主機綁定了浮動ip,請先解綁。
IpDelFloatIpErrorAn error has occurred when deleting float-ip.刪除浮動IP發生錯誤
IpOnlyOneOnly one Ip is needed in parameters.ip引數只能有一個
EipBandwidthMaxLimitThe maximum eip bandwidth is {0}.頻寬最大值只能是{0}.
EipBandwidthMinLimitThe minimum eip bandwidth is {0}.頻寬最小值只能是{0}.
MissingParam.IpThe mandatory parameter Ip is missing.IP地址不能為空
MissingParam.StartIpThe mandatory parameter StartIp is missing.IP開始地址不能為空
MissingParam.EndIpThe mandatory parameter EndIp is missing.IP結束地址不能為空
MissingParam.IpBandwidthThe mandatory parameter Bandwidth of ip is missing.IP的頻寬不能為空
MissingParam.EipGroupIdThe mandatory parameter Id of Eip-group is missing.Eip組標識不能為空
NotFound.FirewallThe specified firewall does not exist.防火牆不存在
NotFound.DefaultFirewallThe specified default firewall does not exist.預設防火牆不存在
InvalidParam.FirewallNameThe name of a firewall can not be default.防火牆名稱不能是default
FirewallCreateErrorAn error has occurred when creating firewall.建立防火牆發生錯誤
FirewallDelErrorAn error has occurred when deleting firewall.刪除防火牆發生錯誤
DeleteDenied.DefaultFirewallThe normal user can not delete default firewall.普通使用者不能刪除預設防火牆
FirewallInUseThe speified firewall is already in use.防火牆已被使用
FirewallModifyErrorAn error has occurred when modifying firewall.修改防火牆發生錯誤
MissingParam.FirewallIdThe mandatory parameter Id of firewall is missing.防火牆標識不能為空
MissingParam.FirewallNameThe mandatory parameter Name of firewall is missing.防火牆名稱不能為空
MissingParam.FirewallRulePortThe mandatory parameter Port of FirewallRule is missing.防火牆規則埠不能為空
MaxPortBiggerThanMinPortthe max port must be bigger than the min.結束埠必須大於起始埠
FirewallRuleMinPort18The icmp min port must be bigger than 18.起始埠必須大於18
FirewallRuleMaxPort15The icmp max port must be bigger than 15.結束埠必須大於15
FirewallRuleExistThe specified firewall-rule already exists.相同的防火牆規則已經存在
FirewallRuleCreateErrorAn error has occurred when creating firewall-rule.建立防火牆規則發生錯誤
FirewallRuleDelErrorAn error has occurred when deleting firewall-rule.刪除防火牆規則發生錯誤
NotFound.FirewallRuleThe specified firewall rule does not exist.防火牆規則不存在
FirewallRuleModifyErrorAn error has occurred when modifying firewall-rule.修改防火牆規則發生錯誤
MissingParam.FirewallRuleDirectionThe mandatory parameter Direction of firewall-rule is missing.Direction不能為空
MissingParam.FirewallRuleprotocolThe mandatory parameter Protocol of firewall-rule is missing.Protocol不能為空
MissingParam.FirewallRuleRemoteIpPrefixThe mandatory parameter RemoteIpPrefix of firewall-rule is missing.RemoteIpPrefix不能為空
MissingParam.FirewallRuleEnabledThe mandatory parameter Enabled of firewall-rule is missing.是否啟用不能為空
FirewallRulePriorityMinLimitThe priority must be higher than {0}.優先順序必須大於等於{0}.
FirewallRulePriorityMaxLimitThe priority must be lower than {0}.優先順序必須小於等於{0}.
MissingParam.FirewallRuleIdThe mandatory parameter Id of firewall is missing.防火牆規則標識不能為空
NotFound.NetworkThe specified network does not exist.網路不存在
NotFound.NewNetworkThe specified new network does not exist.新的網路不存在
NotFound.SubnetThe specified subnet does not exist.子網不存在
NotFound.NewSubnetThe specified new subnet does not exist.新的子網不存在
NetworkNoRouterThe specified new network is not conected to a router.新的網路未連線路由器。
NotFound.OldNetworkThe specified new network does not exist.新的網路不存在
NotFound.OldSubnetThe specified old subnet does not exist.舊的子網不存在
NotFound.DefaultNetworkThe specified default network does not exist.預設基礎網路不存在
DefaultNetworkExistThe specified default network already exists.預設網路已經存在
MissingParam.NetworkIdThe mandatory parameter Id of network is missing.網路標識不能為空
NetworkCreateErrorAn error has occurred when creating network.建立網路發生錯誤
NetworkModifyErrorAn error has occurred when modifying network.修改網路發生錯誤
NetworkDelErrorAn error has occurred when deleting network.刪除網路發生錯誤
NetworkCidrOverlapThe specified cidr overlaps with an existing cidr of network .網路的cidr與已存在於網路的cidr重疊
NetworkIpMustInCidrthe start ip and end ip must be in the range of cidr.起始IP和終止IP必須包含於Cidr範圍之內
NetworkGatewayNotInCidrThe gateway is not in the range of cidr.gateway 不在Cidr範圍之內
NetworkGatewayNotInIpThe gateway is not inbetween the start ip and the end ip.gateway 不在起始IP和終止IP之間
NetworkDnsFormatErrorThe format of dns is incorrect.dns格式錯誤
NotFound.InterfaceNetworkThe specified network of interface does not exist.網絡卡對應的網路不存在
NotFound.ExtNetwokThe specified ext-network does not exist.外網不存在
NotFound.DefaultExtNetwokThe specified default ext-network does not exist.預設外網不存在
SubnetNotSystemThe subnet's type must be SYSTEM.子網型別必須是SYSTEM
SubnetNotExtranetThe subnet's type must be EXTRANET.子網的型別必須是EXTRANET.
NetworkCidrFormatErrorThe format of cidr is incorrect.cidr格式錯誤
SubnetCreateErrorAn error has occurred when creating subnet.建立子網發生錯誤
SubnetDelErrorAn error has occurred when deleting subnet.刪除子網發生錯誤
IpNotInNetworkThe start-ip and end-ip not in range of subnet.開始IP和結束IP不在對應網路的範圍之中
DefaultNetworkCreate.NotAdminAdmins can not create default networks for themselves.管理員不可以為自己建立預設網路
NetworkCidrOverlapThe cidr of custom network overlaps with the cidr of default network.新增私有網路的cidr與預設私有網路的cidr有重疊
NetworkType.NotIntranetThe specified network of current type does not support intranet.網路型別不支援intranet
NotFound.DefaultExtSubnetThe specified default ext-network subnet does not exist.預設的外部子網不存在
MultipleDefaultExtNetworkThere are multiple default ext network.已經有多個預設外部網路
NetworkConnectRouterThe specified network has connected with a router.網路已經連線路由器
NetworkCidrInGreThe cidr of network is in same range with that of router gre{0}.私網cidr與該路由器下隧道{0}的本地網路或者目標網路在同一網段。
NetworkSubnetExistThe subnet already exists in network.網路中的子網已經存在
DeleteDenied.ResourceExistThere are resources associate with the specified subnet, deleting is not permitted子網下有相關資源,子網無法刪除
NetworkUsedInSpecialLineThe specified network is used in special-line.網路已經被專線使用
DeleteDenied.DefaultSubnetDefault subnets can not be deleted.預設子網不能刪除
SubnetModifyErrorAn error has occurred when modifying subnet.修改子網發生錯誤
MissingParam.NewNetworkIdThe mandatory parameter Id of new network is missing.新的網路標識不能為空
MissingParam.OldNetworkIdThe mandatory parameter Id of old network is missing.舊的網路標識不能為空
MissingParam.NetworkIpThe mandatory parameter IP of network is missing.私有網路IP不能為空
MissingParam.NetworkDhcpThe mandatory parameter Dhcp of network is missing.dhcp不能為空
MissigParam.SubnetIdThe mandatory parameter Id of subnet is missing.子網的ID不能為空
InterfaceDeleteErrorAn error has occurred when deleting port.刪除網絡卡發生錯誤
NotFound.InterfaceThe specified interface of base-level does not exist.底層對應的網絡卡不存在
InterfaceShowErrorAn error has occurred when showing the interface of base-level查詢底層網絡卡發生錯誤
NotFound.ExtInterfaceThe specified ext interface does not exist.外網網絡卡不存在
InterfaceUpdateErrorAn error has occurred when updating port.更新port發生錯誤
InterfaceCreateErrorAn error has occurred when creating port.建立網絡卡發生錯誤
InterfaceAttachErrorAn error has occurred when attaching port.掛載網絡卡發生錯誤
InterfaceDetachErrorAn error has occurred when detaching port.解掛網絡卡發生錯誤
InterfaceAttachFirewallErrorAn error has occurred when attaching firewall.網絡卡掛載防火牆發生錯誤
InterfaceSetBoradbandErrorAn error has occurred when setting up broadband for Interface.網絡卡設定頻寬發生錯誤
InterfaceAutoDriverErrorAn error has occurred in autodriver.autodriver發生錯誤
InterfaceQgaErrorAn error has occurred in Qga.qga發生錯誤
InterfaceAttachedFloatIpA FloatIp is attached to interface of network.網絡卡已經繫結浮動IP
InterfaceDisableErrorAn error has occurred when disabling interface.禁用網絡卡發生錯誤
InterfaceQosDelErrorAn error has occurred when deleting Qos.刪除qos發生錯誤
MissingParam.InterfaceIdThe mandatory parameter Id of interface is missing.網絡卡標識不能為空
NotFound.RouterThe specified router does not exist.路由器不存在
EipNotAttached.RouterDiabaledEip can not attach to instance, due to disabled router雲主機所在私網連線的路由器已關閉,所以無法繫結公網IP
IncorrectRouterStatusThe current status of the router does not support this operation.當前路由器狀態的不支援此操作
NotFound.DefaultRouterThe specified default router does not exist.預設路由器不存在
RoutersNoMultiTunnelCan not have multiple tunnels between two routers.兩個路由器之間只能有一條隧道
IncorrectRouterStatus.NotNormalThe status of router is not NORMAL.當前路由器狀態不正常
RouterLockedThe router is locked.路由器已被禁用,請聯絡管理員
RouterExtInterfaceExistThe specified router already has ex-interface .路由器已經有外網網絡卡
MissingParam.RouterIdThe mandatory parameter Id of router is missing.路由器標識不能為空
IncorrectRouterProductStatus.NotNormalThe router product-status must be normal.路由器產品必須是正常狀態
RouterNoExtInterfaceThe router is not connected with the ext-interface.路由器沒有連線外部網路網絡卡
MissingParam.LocalRouterIdThe mandatory parameter Id of local router is missing.本地路由器標識不能為空
MissingParam.RemoteRouterIpThe mandatory parameter Ip of remote router is missing.遠端路由器ip不能為空
MissingParam.LocalRouterIpThe mandatory parameter Ip of local router is missing.本地路由器ip不能為空
MissingParam.RemoteRouterIdThe mandatory parameter Id of remote router is missing.遠端路由器標識不能為空
GreCreateErrorAn error has occurred when creating gre.建立gre隧道發生錯誤
GreCreateTimeOutCreating gre time out.建立gre隧道超時
GreDelErrorAn error has occurred when deleting gre.刪除gre隧道發生錯誤
Local&RemoteRouterSameIpThe extranet ip of local Router and remote router are the same.本地路由器跟目標路由器公網ip相同。
RouterVpnTunnelExistTunnel or specialline already exist between the local router and the target router.本地路由器跟目標路由器之間已經存在隧道或者專線。
MissingParam.RemoteCidrThe mandatory parameter Cidr of third gre is missing.三層GRE目標網路不能為空。
RemoteCidrOverlapRemote network {0} and remote network {1} of the same router are in the same cidr.目標網路{0}與該路由器連線的其他公網隧道的目標網路{1}在同一網段。
GreIpUsedInTunnelThe point to point ip {0} is already taken by other tunnels of the same router.點對點IP{0}已經被該路由器其他隧道使用。
RemoteCidr&VpnOverlapRemote cidr {0} overlaps with vpn address of the same router.目標網路{0}跟該路由器的vpn服務下的網路地址在同一網段。
LocalNetworkCidrOverlapThe cidr of local network subnet overlaps.本地網路下的私網的cidr在同一網段。
RemoteNetworkCidrOverlapthe cidr of remote network subnet overlaps.目標網路下的私網的cidr在同一網段。
LocalNetworkCidrOverlapThe cidr of local network subnet overlaps.本地網路下的私網的cidr在同一網段。
RemoteNetworkCidrOverlapthe cidr of remote network subnet overlaps.目標網路下的私網的cidr在同一網段。
Remote&LocalNetworkCidrOverlapThe cidr of local network overlaps with that of remote network .本地網路cidr跟目標網路cidr在同一網段.
ExceedQuota.RemoteNetworkThe amount of remote networks has exceeded limit.目標網路個數不能大於上限值.
MissingParam.RemoteNetworkThe mandatory parameter RemoteNetwork is missing.目標網路不能為空。
MissingParam.LocalGreIpThe mandatory parameter LocalGreIp is missing.本地點對點ip不能為空。
MissingParam.RemoteGreIpThe mandatory parameter RemoteGreIp is missing.對端點對點ip不能為空。
LocalGreIpRepeatInRemoteLocal gre ip and remote gre ip can not be same.本地Gre隧道ip跟目標Gre隧道ip不能相同。
Loca&RemoteIpNotSameCidrLocal gre ip and remote gre ip are not in same cidr.本地Gre隧道ip跟目標Gre隧道ip不在同一網段。
Loca&RemoteIpExistOne of the point to point ip already exists in the local tunnel.點對點ip已經存在於該路由器的三層gre隧道中。
VpnServiceCreateErrorAn error has occurred when creating vpn-service.建立vpn服務發生錯誤
VpnServiceDelErrorAn error has occurred when deleting vpn-service.刪除vpn服務發生錯誤
RouterNoInterfaceRouter {0} not attached to interface.路由器{0}未繫結網絡卡
RemoteCidrExistInTunnelRemote cidr {0} already exists in tunnel {1}.目標網路{0}已經存在於隧道{1}中
RouterMultipleVpnThe specified router has multiple vpn services.路由器有多個vpn服務
NotFound.VpnThe specified vpn does not exist.vpn不存在
VpnCreateErrorAn error has occurred when creating vpn.建立VPN發生錯誤
VpnModifyErrorAn error has occurred when modifying vpn.修改vpn發生錯誤
IpSecCreateErrorAn error has occurred when creating ipsec.ipsec建立失敗.
IpSecDelErrorAn error has occurred when deleting ipsec.刪除ipsec發生錯誤
LocalNetNotJoinRouterThe local network is not connected with router.本地網路沒有連線路由器
RoutrExtInterfaceNoExistThe ex-interface does not exist in router.路由器不存在外網網絡卡
ExceedQuota.LocalNetworkThe amount of local networks has exceed limit.本地網路個數不能大於上限
NotFound.LocalNetworkThe specified local network does not exist.本地網路不存在
IpsecPolicyShowErrorAn error has occurred when showing ipsec policy.查詢ipsec策略發生錯誤
IkePolicyShowErrorAn error has occurred when showing ike policy.查詢ike策略發生錯誤
RouterCreateErrorAn error has occurred when creating router.建立路由器發生錯誤
RouterModifyErrorAn error has occurred when modifying router.修改路由器發生錯誤
VpnConnectOpenThe vpn connection of router is open.路由器的vpn連線已開啟
VpnAddressConflictThere are conflicts between VPN addresses.vpn中網路地址衝突
RouterNetworkAddressConflictThe specified Network address conflicts with existing router network addresses.網路地址與路由器中其他網路地址衝突
VpnGreIpConflictThe ip of openvpn conflicts with that of gre.openvpn中的ip與gre中的ip發生衝突
VpnGreCidrConflictThe cidr of openvpn conflicts with that of gre.openvpn的cidr與gre中的cidr衝突
VpnConnectDelErrorAn error has occurred when deleting vpn-connect.刪除vpn連線發生錯誤
VpnConnectCreateErrorAn error has occurred when creating vpn-connect.建立vpn連線發生錯誤
VpnCertDelErrorAn error has occurred when deleting vpn-cert.刪除證書發生錯誤
VpnCertCreateErrorAn error has occurred when creating vpn-cert.建立vpn證書發生錯誤
MissingParam.VpnTypeThe mandatory parameter Type of vpn is missing.VPN型別不能為空
MissingParam.VpnProtocolThe mandatory parameter Protocol of vpn is missing.協議不能為空
MissingParam.VpnIdThe mandatory parameter Id of vpn is missing.OpenVPN服務ID不能為空
RouterMustEnabledThe specified router must be enabled.路由器啟用狀態必須是啟用
RouterEnableFormatIncorrectThe format of router's enable is incorrect.路由器啟用狀態格式錯誤
RouterPortEndBiggerThanStartThe end port must be bigger than the start port.結束埠必須大於開始埠
RouterPortNumNotSameExt port quantity is not same with that of inter port.外部轉發埠與內部轉發埠數量不相等
RouterPortNotSameThe range of ext port must be same with that of inter port.外部埠範圍必須與內部埠範圍相同
NotFound,RouterPortThe router port-forward-rule does not exist.路由器轉發規則不存在
ExtRouterPortExistThe specified ext port already exists.外部轉發埠已存在
RemotePortIpNotInRouterThe remote ip is not in range of router network.目標IP地址不在路由器所在網路有效地址範圍內
MissingParam.RouterPortIdThe mandatory parameter Id of port-forward-rule is missing.轉發規則ID不能為空
RouterNetworkNotConnectThe specified router is not connected with network.路由器沒有連線私網
RouterPortCreateErrorAn error has occurred when creating router port forward rule.建立轉發規則發生錯誤
RouterPortDelErrorAn error has occurred when deleting router port forward rule.刪除轉發規則發生錯誤
NotFound.PptpConnectThe specified pptp connection does not exist.pptp連線不存在
PptpAccountExistPptp account already exists.pptp賬號已經存在
ExceedQuota.PptpAccountThe amount of pptp accounts has exceeded limit.pptp賬號已經滿額
PptpAccountCreateErrorAn error has occurred when creating pptp account.建立pptp賬號發生錯誤
PptpAccountModifyErrorAn error has occurred when modifying pptp account.修改pptp賬號發生錯誤
PptpAccountDelErrorAn error has occurred when deleting pptp account.刪除pptp賬號發生錯誤
NotFound.PptpAccountThe specified pptp account does not exist.pptp賬號不存在
MissingParam.PptpAccountIdThe mandatory parameter Id of pptp-acoount is missing.賬號Id不能為空
PptpConnectOpenThe pptp in router is open.路由器中的pptp連線已經開啟
PptpVpnCidrConflictThe cidr of pptp conflicts with that of vpn.pptp中cidr與vpn中的cidr衝突
PptpNetCidrConflictThe cidr of pptp conflicts with that of network.pptp的cidr與網路的cidr衝突
PptpGreIpConflictThe ip of pptp conflicts with that of gre.pptp中的ip與gre中的ip衝突
PptpGreCidrConflictThe cidr of pptp conflicts with that of gre.pptp的cidr與gre中的cidr衝突
PptpConnectCreateErrorAn error has occurred when creating pptp connection.建立pptp連線發生錯誤
PptpConnectModifyErrorAn error has occurred when modifying pptp connection.刪除pptp連線發生錯誤
PptpConnectDelErrorAn error has occurred when deleting vpn-connection.刪除vpn連線發生錯誤
NotFound.PptpServiceThe specified pptp service does not exist.pptp服務不存在
MissingParam.PptpServiceIdThe mandatory parameter Id of pptp service is missing.PptpService標識不能為空
PptpServiceConnectMaxLimitThe amount of pptp service connection must be less than or equal to {0}.連線數必須小於等於{0}
ExceedQuota.RouterConnectNetworkThe amount of networks connected to router has exceeded {0}.路由器只能連線{0}個網路.
RouterConnectExtNetworkErrorAn error has occurred when connecting ext-network.路由器連線外部網路發生錯誤
RouterConnectNetworkErrorAn error has occurred when connecting network.路由器連線私網發生錯誤
RouterConnectNetworkThe router has connected with a network.路由器已經連線私網
RouterDelErrorAn error has occurred when deleting router.刪除路由器發生錯誤
RouterOnlyConnectOneDefaultNetThe default router can only connect to one default network.預設路由器只能連線一個預設網路
RouterVpnCidrOverlapThe cidr of network overlaps with that of router vpn{0}.私網cidr與該路由器下vpn{0}的網路在同一網段.
RouterCidrExistThe cidr already exists in other networks of router.cidr已存在於路由器中的其他網路
RouterNatUpdateErrorAn error has occurred when updating port forwarding rules.更新路由轉發規則錯誤.
MissingParam.RouterNatProtocolThe mandatory parameter Protocol of nat-rule is missing.協議不能為空
MissingParam.RouterNatIdThe mandatory parameter Id of nat-rule is missing.轉發規則標識不能為空
NotFound.GreThe specified gre {0} does not exist.gre隧道{0}不存在
NotFound.IpsecThe specified ipsec{0} does not exist.ipsec隧道{0}不存在
RouterConnectFloatIpThe specified router has connected with float ip.路由器已經與浮動IP關聯
DeleteDenied.RouterPrepaidThe PayType of specified router is perpaid, deleting is not permitted.包年包月下路由器不能被刪除
DeleteDenied.DefaultRouterThe specified router is a Default router, deleting is not permitted.預設路由器不能被刪除
RouterExistSpecialLineOrTunnelthe router has special line or extranet tunnel.路由器{0}在專線或者公網隧道中。
RouterUsedInSpecialLineThe router is occupied by specical-line.路由器被專線使用
RouterUsedInVpnThe router is occupied by vpn.路由器被vpn使用
RouterInterfaceLimitDvrOnly router interface of network:router_interface_distributed can be deleted under dvr mode.dvr模式下只能刪除裝置所有者是network:router_interface_distributed的路由器網絡卡
DeleteDenied.DefaultRouterInterfaceThe specified interface is a default router interface, deleting is not permitted.預設路由器網絡卡不能被刪除
RouterNatDisableErrorAn error has occurred when disabling router port forward rules.禁用轉發規則發生錯誤
RouterEnableErrorAn error has occurred when enabling router port forward rules.啟用轉發規則發生錯誤
NotFound.LocalRouterGreThe local router of gre does not exist.隧道對應的本地路由器不存在
GreModifyErrorAn error has occurred when modifying gre.修改gre隧道發生錯誤
IpsecModifyErrorAn error has occurred when modifying ipsec.修改ipsec發生錯誤
StartTunnelErrorAn error has occurred when starting tunnel{0}.啟用隧道{0}失敗。
RouterDisableErrorAn error has occurred when disabling router.禁用路由器發生錯誤
RouterHasVpnServiceThe router {0} has vpn service.路由器{0}存在關聯資源vpn服務,請解除關聯。
RouterHasNatRuleThe router {0} has nat rule.路由器{0}下存在埠轉發規則。
RouterHasExtranetIpThe router {0} has eip or has fip.路由器{0}綁定了公網ip。
RouterHasExtranetTunnelThe router {0} has extranet tunnel.路由器{0}存在公網隧道,請解除關聯。
MissingParam.GreNameThe mandatory parameter Name of gre is missing.隧道名稱不能為空
MissingParam.GreTypeThe mandatory parameter Type of gre is missing.隧道型別不能為空
MissingParam.GreEnableThe mandatory parameter Enable of gre is missing.隧道狀態不能為空
MissingParam.GreKeyThe mandatory parameter Key of gre is missing.秘鑰不能為空
MissingParamGreBandwidthThe mandatory parameter Bandwidth of gre is missing.頻寬不能為空
MissingParam.GreIdThe mandatory parameter Id of gre is missing.隧道標誌不能為空
SafeChangeFuncErrorThe changefunctionstats operation of safedog returns error: {0}.安全狗的功能開關配置修改介面返回了錯誤程式碼{0}
SafeChangeFtpBreakErrorThe changeftpbreakconf operation of safedog returns error: {0}.安全狗的FTP暴力破解防護配置修改介面返回了錯誤程式碼{0}
SafeChangeRemoteBreakErrorThe changeremotebreakconf operation of safedog returns error: {0}.安全狗的遠端登入暴力破解防護配置修改介面返回了錯誤程式碼{0}
SafeChangeRemoteLoginErrorThe changeremoteloginconf operation of safedog returns error: {0}.安全狗的異地登入提醒配置修改介面返回了錯誤程式碼{0}
SafeChangeAgentStatErrorThe changeagentstats operation of safedog returns error: {0}.安全狗的Agent開關配置修改介面返回了錯誤程式碼{0}
SafeQueryFuncErrorThe queryfunctionstats operation of safedog returns error: {0}.安全狗的功能開關配置查詢介面返回了錯誤程式碼{0}
MissingParam.SafeIdThe mandatory parameter Id of safedog is missing.安全例項ID不能為空
InvalidParam.AuthNumThe parameter AuthNum is invaild.認證數無效
SafeUpgradeErrorAn error has occurred when upgrading safedog.安全狗升級失敗
MissingParam.SafeAgentIdThe mandatory parameter Id of safe-agent is missing.管理中心ID不能為空
MissingParam.SafeAgentVersionThe mandatory parameter Version of safe-agent is missing.版本不能為空
MissingParam.SafeAgentManageUrlThe mandatory parameter ManageUrl of safe-agent is missing.管理地址不能為空
MissingParam.SafeAgentOsThe mandatory parameter OS of safe-agent is missing.作業系統不能為空
MissingParam.SafeAgentStatusThe mandatory parameter Status of safe-agent is missing.啟用狀態不能為空
MissingParam.SafeAgentBitThe mandatory parameter Bit of safe-agent is missing.版本位數不能為空
MissingParam.SafeAgentFileUrlThe mandatory parameter FileUrl of safe-agent is missing.檔案地址不能為空
MissingParam.SafeAgentMd5The mandatory parameter Md5 of safe-agent is missing.MD5不能為空
MissingParam.SafeIdThe mandatory parameter Id of safedog is missing.安全產品引數ID不能為空
MissingParam.InstanceSafeIdThe mandatory parameter InstanceSafeId of safedog is missing.安全產品引數InstanceSafeId不能為空
MissingParam.SafeAuthNumThe mandatory parameter AuthNum of safedog is missing.授權數不能為空
MissingPara.SafeTypeThe mandatory parameter Type of safedog is missing.安全產品名稱不能為空
MissingParam.SafeFtpBreakInterThe mandatory parameter FtpBreakInter of safedog is missing.FTP暴破間隔時間不能為空
MissingParam.SafeFtpBreakTimeThe mandatory parameter RtpBreakTimer of safedog is missing.FTP暴破間隔次數不能為空
MissingParam.SafeRemoteBreakInterThe mandatory parameter RemoteBreakInter of safedog is missing.遠端暴破間隔時間不能為空
MissingParam.SafeRemoteBreakTimeThe mandatory parameter RemoteBreakTimer of safedog is missing.遠端暴破間隔次數不能為空
MissingParam.SafeRemoteLoginThe mandatory parameter Remotelogin of safedog is missing.遠端登入地不能為空
MissingParam.SafeEnableThe mandatory parameter Enable of safedog is missing.可用狀態不能為空
MissingParam.SafeFtpBreakPortThe mandatory parameter FtpBreakPorts of safedog missing.FTP暴破埠號不能為空
MissingParam.SafeAlarmStatusThe mandatory parameter AlarmStatus of safedog is missing.告警狀態不能為空
NotFound.LbThe specified loadbalance does not exist.負載均衡器不存在
IncorrentLbStatus.TaskThe loadbalance is currently under another task, , wait until it finishes.負載均衡器已經有任務操作,無法再執行其他操作
LbLockedthe loadbalance is locked.負載均衡器已被禁用,請聯絡管理員
LbApplyErrorAn error has occurred when applying loadbalance.同步負載均衡器發生錯誤
LbProductOvertimeThe loadbalance is due.負載均衡器已到期,請先續費
LbProductArrearageThe loadbalance is in arrearage.負載均衡器已欠費,請先充值
LbExtInterfaceExistEx-interface already exists in LB.負載均衡器已經存在外網網絡卡
LbShowErrorAn error has occurred when showing loadbalance.查詢負載均衡器發生錯誤
LbInterfaceNotExistNo interface exists in specified LB.負載均衡器不存在私網網絡卡
IncorrentLbProductStatusLoadbalance product status is not normal and the user is not admin.該負載均衡器產品狀態不正常且該使用者不是管理員。
LbExistBakendBackend exists in specified LB.負載均衡器存在後端服務
LbOverQuotaThe loadbalance batch creating limit is {0}.當批次建立負載均衡器時,只能建立{0}個
LbCreateNeedIntranetIntranet is mandatory for loadbalance .建立負載均衡器必須要私網
LbCreateIntranetOnlyOneLoadbalance only need one intranet.建立負載均衡器只需要一個私網
LbCreateMustIntranetIntranet is mandatory when creating loadbalances.建立負載均衡器必須要私網
LbHaNetErrorAn error has occurred when getting LB HA network.獲取HA網路發生錯誤
NotFound.LbHaNetThe specified LB HA network does not exist.負載均衡器HA網路不存在
LbCreateErrorAn error has occurred when creating loadbalance.建立負載均衡器發生錯誤
LbInterfaceExistInterface already exists in lb.負載均衡器已經存在私網網絡卡
LbModifyErrorAn error has occurred when modifying LB Cert.修改證書發生錯誤
MissingParam.LbIdThe mandatory parameter Id of loadbalance is missing.負載均衡器ID不能為空
MissingParam.LbTypeThe mandatory parameter Type of loadbalance is missing.配置不能為空
NotFound.ListenerThe specified LB listener does not exist.監聽器不存在
ListenerOverQuotaInLbThe loadbalance can have {0} listener.負載均衡器只能建立{0}個監聽器
CookieNameMissingCookie_name that comes with APP_COOKIE is missing.APP_COOKIE必須要要輸入cookie_name
InvalidParam.SessionPersistenceTypeThe parameter SessionPersistenceType is not valid.SessionPersistenceType引數錯誤
ListenerPortOccupiedThe port is occupied by other listeners.埠被其他監聽器佔用
MissingParam.PemIdThe mandatory parameter PemId is missing.引數PemId不能為空
ListenerHeathTcpThe method must be TCP for listeners of TCP.如果監聽器是TCP,健康檢查也必須是TCP
ListenerHeathUrlLengthThe length of URL must within 1-1000.URL長度只能在1-1000
ListenerHeathHttpMethodThe http-method can either be get or post.http-method只能是get或者post
IncorrectListenerHeathHttpStatusThe http-status of specified listener is incorrect.http-status不對.
ListenerHeathHttpMethodErrorThe health method of specified listener is incorrect.health-method不對
InvalidParam.ListenerHeathThe parameters of health listener are not valid.健康檢查引數不對
ListenerCreateErrorAn error has occurred when creating LB Listener.建立監聽器發生錯誤
ListenerDelErrorAn error has occurred when deleting LB Listener.刪除監聽器發生錯誤
ListenerModifyErrorAn error has occurred when modifying LB Listener.修改監聽器發生錯誤
MissingParam.ListenerIdThe mandatory parameter Id of listener is missing.監聽器不能為空
MissingParam.ListenerMethodThe mandatory parameter Method of listener is missing.載均衡器METHOD不能為空
MissingParam.ListenerProtocolThe mandatory parameter Protocol of listener is missing.協議不能為空
ListenerSessionLengthLimitthe length of session must within {0}-{1}.會話保持長度只能在{0}-{1}之間
ListenerConnectMinLimitThe number of connections must be greater than {0}.連線數必須大於{0}
ListenerConnectMaxLimitThe number of connections must be less than {0}.連線數必須小於{0}
NotFound.LbCertThe specified LB Cert does not exist.不存在證書
LbCertPublicPrivateNotMatchPublic key mismatch with private key.證書內容和私鑰不匹配
LbCertFormatErrorThe format of cert is incorrect.證書格式錯誤
LbCertCreatErrorAn error has occurred when creating LB Cert.建立證書發生錯誤
LbCertDelErrorAn error has occurred when deleting LB Cert.刪除證書發生錯誤
MissingParam.LbCertIdThe mandatory parameter Id of LB Cert is missing.證書ID不能為空
LbCertInUsethe lb-cert is in use.證書正在被使用
MissingParam.LbCertKeyThe mandatory parameter Key of LB Cert is missing.PEM私鑰不能為空
MissingParam.LbCertCertificateThe mandatory parameter Certificate of LB Cert is missing.PEM引數Certificate不能為空
VmOccupiedVm is occupied by backend {0}.雲主機正在被後端服務{0}使用
NotFound.BackendThe specified Backend does not exist.後端服務不存在
BackendExistPolicyThe backend is attached to policy.後端服務已經掛載到轉發策略
BackendDelListenerErrorAn error has occurred when deleting listener in backend.刪除後端服務監聽器發生錯誤
BackendAttachPolicyErrorAn error has occurred when attaching policy.掛載轉發策略發生錯誤
BackendDetachPolicyErrorAn error has occurred when detaching policy.解掛轉發策略發生錯誤
BackendDelPolicyErrorAn error has occurred when deleting policy in backend.刪除後端服務中的轉發策略發生錯誤
BackendShowErrorAn error has occurred when showing backend.查詢後端服務發生錯誤
BackendCreateErrorAn error has occurred when creating loadbalance.建立負載均衡器發生錯誤
BackendAttachListenerErrorAn error has occurred when attaching listener in backend.掛載後端服務監聽器發生錯誤
BackendDelErrorAn error has occurred when deleting backend.刪除後端服務發生錯誤
BackendSamePortThe backend with same port already exists.相同埠的後端服務已經存在
ExceedQuota.LbListenerBackendThe amount of lb-listener backends has exceeded {0} .監聽器後端服務超出{0}個的限額
BackendNoAttachPolicyThe backend is not attached to policy.後端服務沒有掛載轉發策略
BackendUpdateListenerErrorAn error has occurred when updating listener in backend.更新後端服務監聽器發生錯誤
BackendModifyErrorAn error has occurred when modifying backend.修改後端服務發生錯誤
MissingParam.BackendIdThe mandatory parameter Id of backend is missing.後端服務標識不能為空
MissingParam.BackendWeightThe mandatory parameter Weight of backend is missing.權重不能為空
BackendWeightMinLimitThe minimum weight of backend is {0}.權重最小為{0}
BackendWeightMaxLimitthe maximum weight of backend is {0}.權重最大為{0}
NotFound.PolicyThe specified policy does not exist.轉發策略不存在
PolictCreateNotTcpThe policy can only be created for listeners that are not tcp.如果監聽器是TCP,不可以建立轉發策略
ExceedQuota.PolicyThe amount of lbpolicies has exceeded {0}.轉發策略只能建立{0}個.
PolicyCreateErrorAn error has occurred when creating lbpolicy.建立轉發策略發生錯誤
PolicyDelErrorAn error has occurred when deleting lbpolicy.刪除轉發策略發生錯誤
MissingParam.PolicyIdThe mandatory parameter Id of lbpolicy is missing.轉發策略標識不能為空
MissingParam.PolicyEnableThe mandatory parameter Enabled of lbpolicy is missing.是否啟用不能為空
MissingParam.PolicyOperatorThe mandatory parameter Operator of lbpolicy is missing.Operator不能為空
PolicyPriorityMinLimitThe lowest priority is {0}.優先順序最小為{0}.
PolicyPriorityMaxLimitThe highest priority is {0}.優先順序最大為{0}.
MissingParam.PolicyTypeThe mandatory parameter Type of lbpolicy is missing.策略型別不能為空
MissingParam.PolicyValueThe mandatory parameter Value of lbpolicy is missing.策略值不能為空
PolicyKeyLengthLimitThe maximum length of key is {0}.鍵最長1000個字元
PolicyValueLengthLimitThe maximum length of value is {0}.值最長1000個字元
ExceedQuota.PolicyRuleThe amount of lbpolicy-rule has exceeded {0}.轉發策略規則只能建立{0}個.
MissingParam.PolicyRuleValueThe mandatory parameter Value of policy rule is missing.規則value不能為空
PolicyRuleKeyMethPathThe key is not needed when the type is method or path.當型別是method或者path時,不需要key
PolicyRuleOpMethPathThe op is mandatory when the type is method or path.如果型別是method或path時,運算子是必須的
PolicyRuleOpMethodThe op must be {0} when the type is method.當型別是method時,運算子必須是{0}
PolicyRuleValueMethodThe value must be {0} when the type is method.當型別是method時,value必須是{0}
PolicyRuleKeyValueHeadCookieKey and Value are mandatory when Type is head or cookie.當型別是head或者cookie時,key和value必須要
PolicyRuleValueRangeErrorThe range format is incorrect,the values must in ascending order, e.g: 1:5數值範圍格式不正確,正確格式形如1:5(開始值小於結束值,以冒號分隔)
PolicyRuleValueRangeStartEndThe end value must be bigger than the start value.數值範圍不正確,開始值必須小於結束值
InvalidParam.PolicyRuleValueThe paremeter Value of PolicyRule must be integer.Value不是整數
InvalidParam.PolicyRuleTypeThe paremeter Type of PolicyRule is incorrect.Type引數不正確
PolicyRuleCreateErrorAn error has occurred when creating lbpolicy-rule.建立轉發策略規則發生錯誤
PolicyRuleDelErrorAn error has occurred when deleting lbpolicy-rule.刪除轉發策略規則發生錯誤
NotFound.PolicyRuleThe specified LB policy-rule does not exist.轉發策略規則不存在
PolicyAttachBackendThe policy is attached to backend.轉發策略已經掛載後端服務
PolicyModifyErrorAn error has occurred when modifying lbpolicy.修改轉發策略發生錯誤
PolicyRuleModifyErrorAn error has occurred when modifying lbpolicy-rule.修改轉發策略規則發生錯誤
MissingParam.PolicyRuleIdThe mandatory parameter Id of policy rule is misssing.策略規則不能為空
IronicFloatIpExistThe float-ip of ironic exits.物理機已經存在浮動IP
IronicPortExistThe port of ironic exists.物理機網絡卡已經存在
MissingParam.IronicIdThe mandatory parameter Id of ironic is missing.物理機標識不能為空
MissingParam.IronicUuidThe mandatory parameter Uuid of ironic is missing.物理機Uuid不能為空
MissingParam.IronicMacThe mandatory parameter Mac of ironic is missing.Mac不能為空
MissingParam.IronicPortUuidThe mandatory parameter PortUuid of ironic is missing.portUuid不能為空
NotFound.SpecialLineThe specified SpecialLine does not exist.專線不存在
SpecialLineNotGrethirdThe type of special line must be GRETHIRD.專線型別必須是三層
IncorrentSpecialLineStatus.TaskThe special-line is currently under another task, wait until it finishes.當前專線有任務操作,無法再執行其他操作
NotFound.SpecialLineRegionThe specified region does not exist in special-line.專線對應的機房不存在
SpecialLineIntranetNotInRouterThe intranet is connected with routers that are not connected with special-line.網路已經連線到沒有連線專線的路由器
SpecialLineCidrExistCidr already exists in special-line.專線中已經存在CIDR
SpecialLineNeedTwoRegionThere has to be two regions for special-line to bridge between.專線必須有2個機房
NotFound.SpecialLineNetworkThe specified network of SpecialLine does not exist.專線對應的網路不存在
SpecialLineNetworkOnlyOneOnly one SpecialLine network can exists in SpecialLine.專線中只能有一個專線網路
SpecialLineNetworkCidrNotSameThe cidrs of SpecialLine networks must not be identical.專線中網路的CIDR不能一樣
InvalidParam.SpecialLineVpnTypeThe parameter vpn-type of special-line is incorrect.專線的VPN型別錯誤
NotFound.SpecialLineProductThe specified product of special-line does not exist.專線相關產品不存在
SpecialLineStatusCreateErrorAn error has occurred when creating special-line.建立專線發生錯誤
SpecialLineIpInUseThe specified ip is already in use.IP已經被使用
SpecialLineIpNotEnoughInP2PThe ips of p2p are not enough in special-line.點對點ip不夠使用
SpecialLineIpCidrNoDefineThe cidr is not defined in p2p.未定義點對點ip對應的cidr
SpecialLineAddRouterErrorAn error has occurred when adding Router {1} of Region {0} to SpecialLine {2}.{0}機房,路由器:{1}加入專線網路:{2}失敗
NoSpecialLineInRegionThe region {0} has no special line.{0}機房未建立專線網路
MoreSpecialLineInRegionThe region {0} has multiple special lines.{0}機房錄入了多個專線網路
SpecialLineCidrLimitWhen creating special-lines, IntranetIds must either all in the same Cidr or none of them share the same Cidr.建立專線,所選子網必須全部在同一個網段,或者全部都不在同一個網段
NetNoConnectRouterInRegionThere are networks in region {0} that are not connected to routers.機房{0}下私有網路沒有連線路由器
MissingParam.SpecialLineIdThe mandatory parameter Id of special-line is missing.專線標識不能為空
MissingParam.SpecialLineRegionThe mandatory parameter Region of special-line is missing.機房標識不能為空
MissingParam.SpecialLineBandwidthThe mandatory parameter Bandwidth of special-line is missing.頻寬不能為空
MissingParam.SpecialLineNameThe mandatory parameter Name of special-line is missing.專線名稱不能為空